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Tag: Denton TX landscaping

  • The Detailed Grass Plugs Guide

    The Detailed Grass Plugs Guide

    Grass plugs are small sections of sod with established grass and roots that are used to start or repair lawns. Unlike grass seeds that require time to germinate and grow, or large rolls of sod that can be expensive and labor-intensive, grass plugs offer a convenient middle ground. They are individually planted units that quickly…

  • Best Heat-Tolerant Plants for Texas Landscapers

    Best Heat-Tolerant Plants for Texas Landscapers

    In the scorching heat of Denton, Texas, choosing the right plants for your garden can be crucial.

  • What is the Difference Between Commercial and Residential Landscaping Services?

    What is the Difference Between Commercial and Residential Landscaping Services?

    Most companies in this industry differentiate between these two types of customers. ‘Residential’ properties are usually thought of as single family homes with individual contracts with each home owner. Commercial contracts are usually for business exteriors, apartment buildings, and other larger scale properties. Scope of Services Whereas commercial landscaping is tailored to larger crews and…

  • Creating a Low-Maintenance Landscape: Tips for Busy Homeowners

    Creating a Low-Maintenance Landscape: Tips for Busy Homeowners

    Creating a low-maintenance landscape does not mean sacrificing aesthetics. Instead, it involves selecting the right plants, utilizing smart irrigation systems, and integrating hardscaping to create a vibrant outdoor space with minimal upkeep. For busy homeowners craving a beautiful outdoor space but struggling to find time for traditional gardening, a low-maintenance landscape is more essential than…